Should I flow or should I play?

Chaos Lives Beyond the Drip and Before the Stream. A planksip Möbius.

Chaos Lives Beyond the Drip and Before the Stream

In a village where the passage of time seemed to stand still, an old, rusted tap lingered at the edge of a forgotten path. It was here, amidst the whispers of the ancient trees and the sighs of the wind, that an unspoken narrative began to unfold. An intrepid soul, Adrian, found himself drawn to this place, captivated by the seemingly insignificant moments that life often overlooks. He mused quietly to himself, "Chaos Lives Beyond the Drip and Before the Stream," reflecting on the unseen turmoil that precedes creation and order.

You could not step twice into the same rivers; for other waters are ever flowing on to you.
— Heraclitus (535-475 BC)

Adrian's thoughts were interrupted by the gentle flow of the nearby stream, a testament to Heraclitus' words. It reminded him that life, in all its constancy, was perpetually in flux. Each moment, unique and unrepeatable, was a fleeting connection to the eternal flow of existence. He pondered over the countless drops that contributed to the stream's journey, each one a bearer of chaos and order, of beginnings that whisper of endless possibilities.

The hours will hardly forgive you, those hours that are wearing away the days, those days that are gnawing away the years.
— Luis de Gongora (1561-1627)

Time, Adrian realized, was both a relentless force and a sculptor of destinies. Luis de Gongora's reflection echoed in his heart as he witnessed the shadows lengthen and the light dance through the leaves. The tap, with its solitary drip, became a symbol of time's passage, each drop a moment slipping into the embrace of the past. He understood that the days were not just measures of time but canvases of life, each with its own story, its own beauty, and its own decay.

The only geniuses produced by the chaos of society are those who do something about it.
— B.F. Skinner (1904-1990)

Moved by the realizations dawned upon him by the stream and the relentless march of time, Adrian contemplated the role of chaos in the fabric of society. B.F. Skinner's assertion stirred within him a newfound resolve. He recognized that amidst the disorder and the unpredictable dance of life, there lay opportunities for transformation. Genius, he concluded, was not merely the ability to understand the world but to shape it, to mold the chaos into something meaningful, something enduring.

Everything we feel is made of Time. All the beauties of life are shaped by it.
— Peter Shaffer (1926-2016)

As the day gave way to the velvety embrace of night, Adrian sat by the stream, his eyes reflecting the myriad stars above. Peter Shaffer's words resonated deep within, illuminating his understanding of existence. Love, sorrow, joy, despair—all were sculpted by the relentless hands of time, each emotion a testament to life's ephemeral beauty. In the simple, unremarkable moments like the falling of a water drop or the gentle flow of a stream, he found the essence of being, a harmony that transcended the chaos that lay beyond and before.

Adrian's journey by the old tap was more than a quest for understanding; it was a pilgrimage to the heart of existence, where chaos and order, time and emotion, were intertwined. In the dance of the dripping water, in the endless journey of the stream, he found a reflection of life itself—beautiful, transient, and ever-flowing.

Chaos Lives Beyond the Drip and Before the Stream. A planksip Möbius,

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