Now we are getting somewhere

It is vain to talk of the interest of the community, without understanding what is the interest of the individual.
— Jeremy Bentham (1748-1832)
Alfred's AestheticsAnother Artful planksip Poetic

Alfred's Aesthetics

Now we are getting somewhere

It is vain to talk of the interest of the community, without understanding what is the interest of the individual.
— Jeremy Bentham (1748-1832)

The titled responsion is...

The individual pleasures and pains aggregate to form the concrete of the whole, a society that is! This declaration of independence relies on the individual to have ideals similar to the common good of the community. Fractured dissent and justified disbelieve undermine the fabric of sensibility and sustainability for all.

Jeremy Bentham, the greatest political philosopher of his age, was born in 1806, the son of a wealthy Conservative MP. Born into an aristocratic family, Bentham grew up with a strong sense of English patriotism and respect for the traditions of the British Empire. He became interested in politics and eventually joined the army, serving in the British army and later at the University of Oxford in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. Bentham served with distinction in the Napoleonic wars and in the British invasion of Egypt and other areas of the world.

Jeremy Bentham developed his original political philosophy after reading Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations. Smith's book introduced him to the idea of an "economic conscience," which can be defined as the concept that individuals have a basic moral duty to act to maintain or improve the economic well-being of their fellow humans. Bentham developed his own version of utilitarianism, which is similar to utilitarianism in its basic premise, that it is morally wrong to cause unnecessary pain and suffering to others or to use unjustly one person's labor to increase one's own wealth. Bentham's utilitarianism is also called consequentialism. He developed his own version of utilitarianism to accommodate the fact that he believed that all humans have inherent moral qualities which are inextricably bound up with the way they think about the world and their place in it. As a result of this, he concluded that the state has a certain duty to protect those people who cannot protect themselves.

Jeremy Bentham's philosophy was adopted by several thinkers, including Voltaire. The British writer John Bright once said, "Jeremy Bentham may be the most important person in the history of political theory." His theories are still relevant today. Utilitarians believe that all rights can be claimed, whether through laws or by contract, so long as they do not violate universal human rights.

Pluralistic Truth

Whatever is reasonable is true, and whatever is true is reasonable.
— Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (1770-1831)

The titled responsion is ...

In his Critique of Pure Reason, Hegel argues that the concept of absolute Truth is incompatible with human freedom. Hegel maintains that we are entitled to a "freedom to believe" in the truth as it is; this freedom consists in the ability to use our reason as we understand it and to reject what is false or unreasonable in the process of doing so. He concludes that there are no absolute truths, but only "hypothetical truths", which may be true or false, according to what you base your conclusions on. For example, you may believe that Santa Claus does not exist, and you can prove it. If you do not, then that belief is not necessarily false, for it depends on what you base it on.

As you can see, it is possible to use our human mind in different ways, and it is not impossible to find something that is untrue and something that is true. However, you do not have the right to use it for purposes of truth. It is our prerogative to choose what is true and what is false. The only absolute truth is that which is rational. So what is reasonable? You must think about the question yourself because it does not belong to the realm of truth.

What is true? If you will only consider yourself and your beliefs, then you can find something that is true, and something that is not. If you try to look at the entire world, you will find no true answers to anything, and you will find nothing but opinions. There is nothing objectively true, and nothing objectively false. Thus, truth is subjective, and reasonable is subjective.

Naturally Selected

I have called this principle, by which each slight variation, if useful, is preserved, by the term of Natural Selection.
— Charles Darwin (1809-1882)

The titled responsion is...

I've been playing with this idea that the marker for cultural variation is a novelty. The bifurcation towards the ideal is anything but perverse, it's our best idea yet. The hierarchies are dynamic and self-fulfilling, ethically I mean.

Charles Darwin is well known for his Theory of Natural Selection. His theory, which was initially written as a series of notes on the voyage of the Beagle, gradually came into focus and, as his reputation grew, his ideas evolved until they reached their culmination in The Origin of the Species. The book is a fascinating exploration of the biological mechanisms of life. It is an awe-inspiring account of the origin of the species from the simple organisms that existed before. This book is often referred to as the father of biology because it is responsible for some of the major advances in biology.

Charles Darwin, originally Charles Robert Darwin (born February 12, 1810, Shrewsbury, Somerset, England), (died April 19, 1880, Downe, Kent) was an English naturalist whose theory of natural selection became the basis for modern genetic studies. A key part of this theory is the concept of "Survival of the Fittest," which states that any organism will survive as long as it can pass its genes. Through the theory of natural selection, genetic changes are passed down from generation to generation. Darwin did not believe in any divine intervention in nature. Rather, he believed that a process of natural selection is necessary for evolution to occur. In addition, he also did not believe in free will, or free will to change one's mind.

There are many different theories on the origins of mankind. There are many theories on how human beings evolved from other mammals. Charles Darwin's theory of natural selection is the only theory that has been proved beyond doubt. For this reason, it remains one of the most popular theories on the origin of humans. This theory was put forth by Charles Darwin during the years of his life when he was attempting to prove the theory of evolution and to answer the questions of those who wanted to know how the world came to be as it is today. Darwin's theories helped provide a foundation for genetic research and genetics and provided a way to test whether certain diseases exist in humans. His theories are still important to our understanding of genetics and evolution.

Alfred's Aesthetics

If I had a flower for every time I thought of you, I could walk in my garden forever.
— Alfred Tennyson (1809-1892)

The titled responsion is...

Alfred Tennyson is best known to people as the author of 'The Hero With A Thousand Faces'. He was born Alfred William Tennyson and was the seventh of nine children. He attended the Royal Grammar School, Eton, and later on went to Oxford University. While he was in college he started writing and publishing some poetry, but he found it difficult to publish in the common language. The result was 'The Hero With A Thousand Faces' which is one of the best-selling books ever written.

Alfred, or More to the point, Alfred's father, was a poet as well. It would appear that this made them both equally good writers. Both of them had a great love for literature and read every book they could lay their hands on. The son, Alfred became an acclaimed poet whilst his father continued to be a poet himself. During the early part of his career, he worked for the Archbishop of York as his secretary and wrote many letters. It was while he was doing this that he wrote 'Ode to Joy', one of his best-known poems. It was published after his death by his friend Colley Cibber.

Alfred's father died when Alfred was very young. His mother remarried and lived in the household of her son. As a result, she began to take a more active role in her son's work and often visited him in the manuscript writing room to proofread the work that he had produced. In his later years, he was still writing but not quite as much as when he was younger. His last work was published when he was eighty and in it he included some of his greatest poetry. As with most poets, it was not until his death that his reputation began to reach its fullest.

And the Corporate Bottom Line

The welfare state is not really about the welfare of the masses. It is about the egos of the elites.
— Thomas Sowell (1930-present)

The titled responsion is ...

Dual-purpose politics presents outcomes amicable to all. For instance, a well-fare state that provides minimum base-lines for all humans to flourish nets an egalitarian thesis that some still smell like feces. The aesthetics of a healthy planet (for us) doesn't care about semantics or the son of some god.

Recorded on July 1, 2020. Is welfare the cause of economic inequality in America? Thomas Sowell dismisses this question with a new edition of his book, Discrimination and Economic Inequalities (2018). He joins Peter Robinson on The New York Times to discuss America's long history of economic inequalities through time.

In the book, Sowell contends that socialism is not a system, but a philosophy, which relies upon government intervention and socialism to increase the power of government, control the economy, and control the people, all of which he claims is a dangerous thing. He argues that free-market capitalism can be just as effective in creating and maintaining the equality of wealth, opportunity, and social standing that most people believe is inherent in a successful and prosperous society. He also argues that socialism is nothing more than an ideology that fails to offer solutions to the problems it claims to solve. In short, he says it fails to do anything other than take away your freedom, liberty, and prosperity.

His book will help readers understand the concept of socialism in a simple and effective way. It will also help us identify the reasons why socialism failed to work in the past and why it is failing in our current society. We need a way to break down barriers, a way to create a more level playing field, and a way to restore free-market capitalism in America and elsewhere. If you are looking for an easy-to-understand explanation of socialism and the differences between our system and others around the globe, this is the book for you. It is also a great read because, in addition to showing how socialism failed, it also shows why and how socialism is not a viable system.

Alfred's AestheticsAnother Artful planksip Poetic

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