Keep in mind that your estimated date of death will be different.

For me, 2058 is a date well into the future but too close for comfort. The sad reality is that "my" 2058 is t-minus 34 years, increasing my current age of 48 to 82.

Note to self: update my age references every September 18 (i.e., my birthday).

If only I could be lucky to live until the ripe old age of 82. As it turns out, 82 is how long I can expect to live if my life expectancy is slightly better than average (90 days, to be exact).

So what does all this have to do with the plethora of books I have "posthumously" published with a date of 2058?

The novelty lies in the future date. Ideas (2024) contains 32 foundational books, all with a 2058 publication date. This is possible in part because of today's publishing models. I use IngramSpark, which allows me to update the books I have already published, and so Ideas (2024) is just the shell, the ship of Theseus, otherwise known as plank-ship!

And so, there you have it, a simple explanation behind the future "posthumously" published imprint offered by planksip — subject to revision, with the final version found somewhere between a bookshelf near you and Eudaimonica.

If a writer wrote merely for his time, I would have to break my pen and throw it away.[1]
— Victor Hugo (1802-1885)

  1. Rand, Ayn. 1943. The Fountainhead. Introduction. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill. ↩︎